
Consulting & Advisory Services

We provide a full range of Consulting & Advisory Services to compliment our primary business lines, including promotional support, brand asset packages, white paper composition, expert content, as well as a multitude of other related business services. We want you to be successful, and we'll contribute to that success any way we can.

Financial Models & Forecasts

We build Financial Models, Forecasts, & Pro-Forma Projections that withstand scrutiny from the most sophisticated of investors. We spend a great deal of time on each engagement developing comprehensive custom-tailored forecast models specifically designed to describe your business operations with the utmost clarity and detail.

Business Plans & Proposals

We assist our clients in achieving their goals by translating their ideas and aspirations into a tangible, credible, and actionable set of business milestones and objectives. We listen to your input and help map out a coherent business strategy. Then we drill down to find the most effective means to convey your plan of action to investors and stakeholders.
Have Questions? We want to know your business from the ground up. Want to know more about us? Click here ...
Frequently Asked Questions

what clients are saying

Patrick is excellent at what he does! He went above and beyond just listening to creative instructions on our companies pitch deck. He presents creative ideas and feedback throughout all stages of the design process. He has innate knack for clean and refined design and layouts. Highly recommend if for all your presentation design needs!

Scott Goodman

Scott Goodman

Founder -

Patrick and his team have been an indispensable asset for me as I grow my firm. I have consistently been able to count on leveraging the HubEquity team for important analyses, assistance in developing pitch and presentation materials, as well as filling a variety of critical advisory roles throughout the course of our business relationship.

David Wahl

David Wahl

Founder - Proxima Services Grouop

Attention to Detail

meet hubequity

Patrick Johnson, MBA

Business Analyst

Having formerly worked in Public Accounting and Tax Consulting, Patrick has a high level of expertise auditing financial statements, analyzing proforma projections, and applying sound logical assumptions to business growth estimates and market projections. Patrick has lived abroad and traveled extensively, and brings a creative and novel perspective to Financial Analysis and Managerial Practices.

Top Quality Deliverables

We work hard to make your work easier. We look to provide only the highest level of quality on what we deliver to you. Contact us today to find out how we can help.